Fri 03 Jan
✨ Super Seductive 🌟 SiMPLy AMAZiNG* 🌟 Flawless BUSTY BLONDE Barbie 😍1OO% REAL!✨HiGHLy AdDiCTiVe ✨ - 21
(Austin, Austin North)
❤Sugar, Spice, && Everything Nice.... Try Me Once, You'll Come Back Twice❤ - 20
(Austin, Austin Incalls/outcalls)
__:-❈ STUNNiNG * PETITE * HOTTIE *ReAdy 2 PLaY* 100% Real Pix ❈-:__ - 24
(Austin, N.Austin Incall MON-FRIDAY 10o//18o)
*° SUPER *° S EXY *° *BloNDe° NeW 2 AReA ! - 22
(I-35/ Near Dwntwn)
❤Start Your Week off with a B@ng! Sexy Sensual Latina here for Your Pleasure❤ - 20
(Austin, North Central Austin)
Specialty Lady for distinguished gentlemen - OUTCALL NOW! - 40
(Austin, Austin and surrounding area)
Speicals all the way to check out *80* CREAMY Visiting 4'11 120 pounds True Doll Visiting! - 25
(Austin, Incalls and Outcalls)
Sleeping Naked Is Good, But Sleeping Naked W/ U IS Even BETTER!!! - 23
(Austin, Austin Outcalls only)
☆SOUTHERN RAIN☆ Sexy BBW,amazing skills,stunningly beautiful... - 36
(killeen, hieghts ,cove,belton, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
•♥• SnEak AWAY & LET'S PLAY!! ♥ N.a.U.g.H.t.Y & E x t r e m e l y ♥ A d d i c t i v e •♥• - 28
(Austin, ~OUTCALL ONLY~)
***SKILLED Fit Brunette BARBIE DOLL!!!! 100% ME... NO Games or Gimmicks.. Just a Hand Full o Fun!! - 20
(Austin, incalls all day and night come play)
👅💦👅💦👅💦 Slim Sexy M👊🏿del❗️Always 💦 Always H🅾rny❗️Slim Waist , Pretty Face💄👄‼️Pics 100% ME 100 % OR FREE - 19
(Arboretum, Austin, Downtown, East, I-35 Round Rock/Marriot Hotel, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, North, Round Rock, San Marcos, South, Waco)
*•°?•° SMoKiN HoT •°BuSTY CuTiE•° SWEET & SeDuCtIVe ?*•° INcall/OUT CASH OR CHARGE - 24
(Austin, NORTH AUSTIN Arboretum and surrounding)
sexy new hott brunette a firecracker wit specials 4177826 - 24
(north austin 183 35 290 620 lakecreek)
Sizzling Hot! Super Sexy and Great Body
(Austin, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, San Marcos, Waco, hotel room)
💋Sexy💋At💋Your 💋Doorstep💋$100 Outcall Specials All Night - 21
(Austin, north Austin...incall outcall)
♥::: SEXY --->> *»-( ExOtiC AsiAn )-«* :::(1OO% REAL)::: Last DAY Here !!! ♥ - 19
(Austin, Downtown / South Austin)
*__ *__ SEXY __*__ SUPREME __*__ EXQUISITE __*__ AFFECTIONATE __*__ SEDUCTIVE __*__ QUEEN __*__ * - 23
(south austin INCALLS)
~*~*~ Sexy & Freaky Italian Cutie .... 80$ Specials All Day Long ~*~*~ SI HABLA ESPANOL - 24
(Location: Austin And all surrounding are)
Sexy body, Flawless face & Perfect touch*-* Exerience the BEST*-* sweet treat - 27
(Austin, north central)
💥💥💋💋sEXy Bad ASS! 💋💋💥💥 💋💋💥💥CURVY 💋💋💥💥💥EXOTIC 💥💥💥💋💋BRUNETTE💋💋💥💥💥 - 22
(Austin, Downtown, Outcalls, YOUR PLACE anywhere ATX)
~Sexxy Brunette ~~~Well Reviewed and Verified ~~~ Incall Specials~ - 21
(Austin, North Mopac `~ Private Incall ~`)
Sensual Sensation Upscale Christmas Specials Now ! Hot and Sexy #1 CHOICE ◄ * - 23
(Austin, 620 and andersonmill)
~~ School Teacher by Day!! Very Bad Girl by Night!! S P E C I A L S ~ Don't Be Shy!!!~~ - 36
(183/Burnet Road)
💆😚 sexy and feisty curve and hot Natalia with beautiful curls and a soft touch 💆 - 22
(Austin, South, Southwest)
**SeXXXy BrUnnEttE ViXXXen ** WiTh AmaZInG bOdY ** BeAuTiFuL FacE ** ReaL PiCs ** CaLL nOw** - 21
(RouND RoCK iNCaLLs OnLy)
💝💄💣 READy NoW 👑💕🐝OneOfaKindBlonde🔥🍓 √¡ρ Tяεα†mεη† 🚀 🙈⚓️40DD - 21
(Austin, North, North austin,near domain)
QK's and More Call NOW 🎥🎥NEW VIDEOO🎥🎥 Michelle Nicolle ....SuPeR fReAk in BeD......3052405194 - 24
(Austin, 35/200 .. Black men Welcomed)
🔥R€AÐ¥ δP€CiÂℓδ🔥Mօ Bankxz 💦🅱🅱₩ ⓟⓞⓡⓝⓢⓣⓐⓡ📹💦🍓JUiCY&Ѡ€†🍓 dont MiSs tHiS👅 MoUtH👅 🌟I Do MAGIC✨ - 23
(183, 35, northeast, outcall, north, 290, Austin)
$80 SpEciAL$ Ready & WAiTiNG fOr U LikE U've NEVER Had b4! BiG BooBS 34dd NATURAL! SE HaBLA ESPANoL - 21
(all nite fun Breaker:35)
*. * .*. ! .*. ! .*. .*. PRETTY GIRL .*. VERY ATTENTIVE .*. SWEET & SENSUAL.*. .*. ! .*. ! .* . *. - 23