Mon 06 Jan
R.O.T Rally specials •°•°• 80/150 sexy, brunette, latina (. Y .) come get ur taste... - 27
(Austin, 35 & 290)
★ ROXANNE: SEXY LATINA $100 SESSIONS NOW; (409) 791-0572 - 24
(Austin, Austin IH-35 290 Ben White 71)
Russian Girls Do It Better! Let Me Prove It To You! E.C.C.I.E Verified w/ Great Reviews! - 27
(Austin, Austin/ I35 and 290)
Real Sexy Playmate Call me a Dr because after you see me you feel great ALIYANNA - 23
(Austin, austin pfl round rock)
S U G A R B A B Y * * * C_H_A_S_S_i_T_Y * * * . . . F r e s h & S w e e t Srawberry Blonde... *XOXO* - 19
(Austin, * YOUR PLACE *)
° :¦: S -:¦:- U -:¦:- P -:¦:- E -:¦:- R -:¦:- S -:¦:- E -:¦:- X -:¦:- Y -:¦: °★ -SPECIALS!!! - 23
(Austin, N I-35 private Incall)
+» __PRETTY _ HOTTIE ¤ READY¤1OO% Real Piks +» ___((CLICK HERE))___ «+ - 23
PERFECT ➓ *♛ *WeRe sO ^! SEXY * FLaWLeSs* BoDiS ♛ {{TwO GiRlSpeCiaL}} - 18
(Austin, Incall/outcalls Austin, Tx)
Perky Titts 👌Spankable Ass █100hhr The Best You Will Ever Have 👌🍓Juicy Secret - 21
(Austin, 183 and 35)
PuertoRican Princess bAcK N tOwN...Sexy, senational, pretty and sweet!💖Call Passion 💓404-796-7674 - 29
(Austin, I-35 Central North Austin, North)
(NEW) ★ SwT '.¸ ★¸.' L!k '.¸ ★¸.' HoNy ★ (NEW) - 27
(Austin, IH-35 exit 247, Wells Branch Pkwy)
New Thigh High Boots... New Toy... New Out Fits... Yet Still Good Ol Fashioned Southern Hospitality - 29
(Austin, Arboretum, North Austin)
❌⭕️❌⭕️❌🔴❌🔴❌🔴❌🔴❌⭕️ ❌⭕️❌⭕️❌⭕️❌🔴❌🔴❌🔴❌🔴❌⭕️ ❌⭕️Nuru massage 34DD Pink Korean Escoat Gril Appointment ONLY - 22
(Austin, Cedar Park Pflugervill Manor 35/45, Round Rock)
_____ - :¦: - ♥ o° - :¦: - Your Best kept S E C R E T- :¦: - ♥ o° - :¦: - _____ - 19
(IN Calls Only)
(:•: NeW :•:) •-•-• (::•:: €xOtiC ::•::) •-•-• (::•:: MiXeD::•::) •-•-• (::•:: BeAuTy ::•::) - 24
(Austin, Austin Outcalls)
New Year Specials! Celebrate 2016 right with a hot french gothic model! - 18
(Austin, North Austin, Arboretum area)
New2ToWN!! * UpScaLe CLaSsy OPeNMinded BoMbsheLL.... CoMe EsCape Into Me ;) - 30
(Austin, 183 & 35 In/Out 100%Me or its free!!!)
Ok she looks good.. CAN SHE...??...DOES SHE LIKE IT..?.IS SHE ANY GOOD AT IT? - 28
(Austin, In->183 & 35N-> out 2 ur place or)
°★°o © {BBW} °o© {ItALiAN} °o© {$P3c!AL 75ROSE SPCL} °o© {BrUN3tt3} °o© {B0MbSh3LL} °o© ★ - 32
(Austin, north central austin)
*¨¨* *o * SpEcIALs!! ** SmOkIN' HOT [&;] eXOtIC [&;] VeRy AdDiCTiVE*¨¨* *°o SPEciALS - 28
(South Austin)
NeW2ToWN!! ** EXoTiC LaTiNa DELIGht...CoMe ESCaPe INTo Me:)...((ITs Me or Its FREE)) - 23
§¡nFuLLy •☆• §W€€T •☆• •☆• T€mPT¡Ng •☆• TrEaT •☆• #1 •☆• G€nTL€m€n'S ChO¡C€!! - 23
(Austin, North I 35)
NeW! *° SuPER *° S ExY *° *BloNDe° AVAILABLE NOW ! :) - 23
NEW NEW NEW!!! _____ wAITinG for U Now!!! ___ %((( NEW PIX))) % - 23
(Austin, Austin incalls, mopac expwy)
NEW! NEW! NEW! 💋Sexy Blonde & Seductive Brunette 💖 Ready To Rock Your World 💋 - 22
(Austin, Austin (incalls/outcalls) North)
NeW PiCtUrEs Leaving Tomorrow 4-good So Catch Me While U Can :-) 70 SpEcIaL - 27
(Austin, Domain area clean&safe; location)
°°°New°°°(60)60)★…ExoTiC ChocoLaTe…■ KiLLer CurVe§ … ★ …💋GentelMan§ Choice💋 ★ - 23
(Austin, South Austin Residence)
New In Town •• Exclusive 2 College Girl Show ¥¥ Honey & Dutches ¥¥ In & Outcalls available - 21
(Austin, North Central Austin*Round Rock*aub.etc)
NEW IN TOWN! •SuGaR ▆ █ • █ 🔥 █▬█Ѻ▀█▀ 🔥 BLOND€ BEAUTY 👯【BIG BOOTY 】► δωεε† & 1OO% R£AL✨ LETS PLA¥ - 23
(Austin, 183 & OaK KNoLL iNCaLL)
Miss Stacks! $100.. HUGE breasts AMAZINGLY beautiful blonde!!! Hablo Español...2 girl SpEcIaLs - 26
(Austin, 214-440-8199 Arboretum + outcalls)
_M __y__ *__P __a__ n__t __i__e__s __* W__a __n__n __a __*__ C __o__ m__ e__ *__O __f__ f - 19
Magic lips Skilled hips 66 morning specialz mauh! ~outcalls available. new pics - 25
(Austin, Central/North Austin, south)
~LOOK~!!! If you dont pick me you missing out!!! ( 34dd pretty PU**Y and luscious ASS!!!) - 19
MiRRoR MiRRoR on the wall..whos the WETTEST of them all??!! rEaL PiCs!!! 100% mE! - 21
(RouND RoCK iNCaLLs OnLy)
Mariah Perez Has Made In to ATX ** Come Have the time of your life with me & my GirlFriend ** - 19
(Arboretum Area)
LOOK ===== •••► ((LaTiNa w/ BOOTY )) •• * (1OO% SEXY |) ◄•• SPECIALS!!! - 20
(Austin, ((OUTCALLS ONLY)))
::::☆: _ *LETS BRING IN THE NEW YEARS TOGETHER! _ ➓ :☆::: * * !YAY! * * - 21
========= ========= ((Lets NOT make it an Accident)) INTO SOMETHING PRETTY =====100HR - 27
(Austin, Near Downtown RIVERSIDE DR. INCALL/OUT)
🍎🍑🍒💦ME💦🍒🍑🍎 + 🍌🍆🍭YOU🍭🍆🍌N👅👐😄 *PRIVATE ROOM*😄👐👅512-351-9801 - 24
(4912 N-IH35 Austin TX 78751, Austin,TX, Austin, Downtown)
interested in having your muscles caressed in every position to relieve your stress? - 27
(Austin, central)
iM bAcK BaBy‼️💋M🌹E🌹L🌹A🌹N🌹i🌹E💋 yOuR FaVrOiTe BBW‼️ 💯100$outcalls‼️ NeW nUmBeR‼️‼️🔥HoT 2 GiRL sPeCiALs - 20
(Austin, Central Austin incall YOUR PLACE OUTCALL)
☆ i'M (( yOuR )) #1 ChOiCe ☆ tHe (( NaUghTiEsT )) pLaYmAtE ☆ - 20
(Austin, north.south and surrounding areas)