Tue 21 Jan
{He Flaked So NOWs YOUR chance!} Available! Latenite Welcome!! ~Natural DDD's~ ( 512)662-7011 - 43
(Just South ofthe River!! 24/7 In & Out)
-» »-❤-» █ »-❤ ___ HOT ❤ GIRL ❤ NEXT DOOR __ █ »-❤ » »-❤-» aVaiLaBLe ALL Day!! - 31
(Austin, incall♥outcall Metric blvd & Gracy farm)
°°°° Hot Mouth ° Thick & Juicy °°°° & Available for some fun so come try me ! - 31
(Austin, AUSTIN TX)
Hello friend. Come explore. let go. Sensuality is my passion. skilled & well reviewed - 32
(Austin 35/290/183 area)
°°°° Hot Mouth ° Thick & Juicy °°°° & Available for some fun ! specials ~ specials - 31
(Austin, AUSTIN TX)
Moving special. Body shampoo, GFE & FBST Skilled in the art of Erotic stimulation. well reviewed - 32
(Austin 35/290/183 area)
.*¨¨*-:¦:-* H0t && SeXy ★ y0UNg aND fUN ★ REadY t0 PlAy .*¨¨*-:¦:- - 20
(north austin and surrounding areas)
Hello Gentlemen My name Is Kaliyah Monae Im here to Entertain and please you Eager Gentlemen!!! - 24
(Austin, Bryan college station)
slow deep dictation + Happy hour + GFE. Skilled in the art of Sensual stimulation. well reviewed - 33
(I-35 between 290/183 by Highland Mall)
gorgeous ######### Blonde ######### Babe* ######## 24/hours ######## IN/OUT - 24
(Central Austin ##########)
*☆* G _ E _ n _ T _ L _ e _ M _ e _ N _ s * C __ h __ O __ i __ C __ e *☆* - 19
(35 & 290 incall specials!)
Great Specials, Awesome skills & a Sweet playful attitude! I LOVE to PLAY!! - 27
(Austin, 35/290 Central)
Friday specials to keep you warm //Blonde\\ Italiana& white [fun] In&Out; - 25
(Austin, central area-Private Home*)
Good morning! Start your day off Smiling! GFE + Body Shampoo. Dont miss out. Well reviewed - 33
(I-35 between 290/183)
Yes I can :: $60 special B4 NOON :: LATINA SASHA :: Leaving In 1hr - 26
(Austin, 183/290/35 central austin)
Yes I can SKWERT ::: 55 75/100hh Specials ::: SASHA WATERFALLS ::: 8179087633 ::: Leaving @ 10pm - 26
You Really Don't Wanna Pass Me Up! ~*~ Wild & Freaky BBW Lisa ~*~ Well Reviewed ~*~ $65 SPECIAL! - 38
(Austin, North Austin Incall 183/Burnet Road)
{{You Want It = I HAVE WHAT YOU WANT }} !!!!! Young Spinner Available NOW !!!!! - 23
(N Austin (In/Out))
YoU WiLL nEeD mOrE Of Me! M❀E✿L❀A✿N❀i✿E! √rEaDy 4 FuN √iN&oUtCaLLs; √iM wAiTiNg √HoT sPeCiALs!💘♡❤ - 19
(Austin, my place (central Austin) or yours!)
Y o u ' r e · G o n n a · L o v e · W h a t ' s · W a i t i n g · F o r · U · C l i c k · H e r e - 24
(Austin, BEN WHITE & I-35 SOUTH, South)
WensDAY AftErNooN and Nite 80$ specials Adventorous, GOrgEOUs and FREAKY - 22
(Austin, North Austin Arborteum)
WTF is REALLY going???? I have a solution to your problem!!! It's Janelle 24/7
(Austin, (correct myself)"Highland" Mall Area)
#Wednesday #Specials ((white & Italiana mix)) Blonde/Busty #ready - 25
(Austin, incall-private home Out- all over)
WF BBW back in killeen 2day 30%+& ----> **JADA** Ѽ Ѽpple Bottom Booty Ѽ - 33
(KILLEEN 30% &---->)
° °★° °____×°x°×Am I On You're To Do LISt ×°x°× ____ ° °★° ° BBW *THICK__**24/7 - 21
(Austin, Highlands Mall Area)
[×°x°×SuPeR sWeEt -°x°×]SuPeR SeXy [×°x°× ExOtIc BoMbSHeLL ×° x°×] 100% REAL PICs - 22
wild * and sassy Blonde* ★ Dont pass me up* Limited time In/Out* - 23
(north austin-In/Out *all areas)
Want Something FREE??!! Natural DDD's!! Available!! Call Me! 512-662-7011 - 43
(north/mopac/metric/parmer area)
wednseday Specials *60&*80 ((white & Italiana mixx)) Blonde and busty - 25
(Austin, central area *Private home IN/0ut)
Wednesday Specials == Cute Curvy Blonde == In/Out == 8O* - 24
(Austin, central off hw35*home (in&Out;)c)
Weekend $pecials!! *Newbie Friendly* Stellar TCB&DDD;'s 512-662-7011 *24/7* - 42
(North, Near the Domain)
Cocktails & Happy hour. Unrushed quality pampering. I offer an intimate discreet experience. - 32
(I-35 between 290/183 by Highland Mall)
Want Something FREE??? I am BEYOND Easy Going!. Natural DDD's!! *Newbie Friendly* 662-7011 - 42
(North, Near the Domain)
Want Something FREE??? Stellar TCB & Natural DDD's!! *Newbie Friendly* 662-7011 - 42
(North, Near the Domain)
☆♡WEDNESDAY♡..☆TEMPLE☆Out Call! Lonely? Text me,!-☆☆Thick, Sexy, Juicy, BBW♢TEMPLE♢, AvailNOW! - 34
(*TEMPLE*, Austin, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
UPDATE!! Available NOW! 1:07am! {$atisfaction $pecial$!} *DDD's Natural* 512-662-7011 *24/7* - 44
(Austin, Private North Incall (No Hotel) *24/7*)
💯💲💋UPSCALE & DISCREET👑 🎀💄 your number ONE FREEK 💓 Pretty💓Sweet💓SeXxy Exotic ✔️ Real pic - 21
(Austin, 183&35)
Unrushed relaxing body shampoo + GFE. Skilled in the art of Erotic stimulation. reviewed - 33
(Austin 35/290/183 area)
$pecial$! ~Early-bird B&G;'$ b4 11am!!! ~ Natural DDD's Very Well Revieved! *Newbie Friendly* 24/7 - 42
(North, Near the Domain)
{UPDATE} North Austin Incall!! ~ Natural DDD's~ ( 512)662-7011 - 43
(Austin, I'm North Again!!!!! 24/7)
UPSCALE NEW KITTEN 💞 SEXY 💎🎀 ▬ Brunette & Busty ßεαuty💎💞▬ 💎💞available💞 NOW💎 ▬▬▬💕💎 - - - - - - 21
(Austin, Downtown, 👑👑)
❤💚💚💜💙 Very beautiful sexy NEW BBW with a booty and a smile ❤💚💜💙💋💋💋 - 20
(Austin, Austin outcalls only, Downtown)
{{UPDATE - North Again}} LATE Night Welcome!! ~Natural DDD's~ & Stellar TCB!! 512-662-7011 - 43
(north/metric/parmer area)
Unexpected Availability!!!! *DDD's Natural* 512-662-7011 *24/7* In & Outcalls - 45
(Austin, Parmer/Metric/Mopac In &Out; *24/7*)
{UPDATE} Safe /Private North Austin Incall!! ~ Natural DDD's~ ( 512)662-7011 - 43
(Austin, I'm North Again !!!!! *24/7*)
Wednesday 3/24 Hump-Day Deal$ Stellar TCB & DDD's, *24/7* 512-539-6963 - 42
(North, Near the Domain)
Unexpected Availability! Wanna Play??? One of ATX's 'Safe & Sane'!!! 512-662-7011 - 43
(Just South of the River)
(Austin, D O M A I N - iNCALL oNLY)
Unexpected Availability, NOW!! Will be Up & Ready to Play until the Sun Rises!! - 42
(north central)
4/2 Available Openings after 12-Noon Today!! Stellar TCB & DDD's, 512-662.7011 - 42
(North, Near the Domain)
til 3:30pm sensual Shampoo, FBST, GFE . Skilled in the Art of Erotic stimulation. well reviewed - 33
(I-35 between 290/183 by Highland Mall)
Unexpected Availabilty. One of ATX's Safe&Sane;~ ~Natural.DDD's~( 512)-662-7011 *24/7* In & Out!! - 44
(Austin, North Incall!! Outcall's too!! *24/7*)
**UPDATE** NORTH Incall Tonight!! Available this Evening & Latenight!! ( 512)662-7011 - 43
(NEW North Incall 24/7 6/9-11th)