Mon 27 Jan
- * - - * - - * - - * - - * - - * - VISITING TODAY & TOMORROW - * - - * - - * - - * - - * - - * - - 25
(Austin, A R B O R E T U M)
[ VISITING!!! ] »» [ * Gentlemen's # ❶ Choice * ] »» [ 100% REAL PICS!!] - 26
*VISITING* {{I'm}} ★ Still {{Up}} ☆ Wanna {{Come}} ★ {{Play}} ☆ With Me?? - 21
(call for location....)
Wow* ExTreMely SeXy & IrreSislIbE** U CaN't MisS tHis..!**NeW pics ** SeXy EyES!!!! - 24
(Austin, South Austin And Surronding Areas)
WoW OMG ! BUSTY FUN ...... (DANA) SWEET & S@SSY ...... Enjoy 5 Star Service With ME! - 25
(Austin, Austin /Arboretum/ North)
$ WILLING 2 TRAVEL 250 fee massage hr 2109964580 atx to sa - 25
(Austin, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, sa atx n outside between, San Marcos, Waco)
💋❤💋❤Why Settle for the Rest💋❤💋❤ When You Can Have The💎 BEST💎💋❤💋❤❤ - 27
(San Marcos, San Marcos, New Braunfels, Seguin)
!!♥ WiLd & FReaKy LaTiNa BabYDoLL ToTaLLy WiLLiNg & REady 2 SaTiSfy YOuR EVEry DeSiRe:)!! - 23
**WHOA! MISS.WATERFALL! Come Experience my little secret! $100 IN/$150 OUT - 25
(Austin, North/Central/I35 and St.johns)
WHaTeVeR iT °rEQuIReS ° I'Ll DEliVeR °° yOUr DeSIrEs :) Austin Ebony Escort Incall & Outcall - 21
(downtown north SOUTH I-35 pflgv I-183)
wEt TiGht sExY ExXxOtiC...cUm tEsT dRiVe tHiS BeNtLeY 100% mE AnD WeLL ReViEwEd - 21
(RouND RoCK iNCaLLs OnLy)
Well Reviewed & Verified BIG BOOTYLICIOUS LISA! I'm Ready To Play, Are You? ~*~ $65 SPECIAL! - 37
(Austin, North Austin Incall off 183/Burnet Road)
Well Reviewed Chelsea ~~ INCALLS ~~ 10a-3am ~ April is now a NaughtyGurl INCALLS 10am-2am - 27
(North Austin, Texas)
Wanna play? Freak Fest with tha best...tempting curves & thick thighs ..don't lie 100** - 40
(Austin, Austin Tx)
🌟🔥🔥 W3LL R3VI3W3D 38DD R3D H3AD🔥 🔥🌟 🔥 🔥AMAZlNG lNCALL $PEClAL$! 🔥🔥🌟 - 30
(Arboretum, Arboretum / North Austin / Domain, Austin)
Voluptuous Biracial beauty with all natural size 40h tits and juicy booty. Submissive and waiting! - 28
(Austin, CENTRAL 35/290)
☆ Voluptuous B I G BOOTY BAD GIRL Available Now ☆ $60 S P E C I A L ☆ - 36
Visiting* PUERTO RICAN/ITALIA N* P L A Y M A T E xxx G O R G E O U S * * P L A Y M A T E - 24
(austin and all surrounding areas)
VISITING! ▀▄▀▄▀▄ ❤BREATHTAKING New HOttIE ♡ SwEeT & Petite▀▄▀▄▀▄ - 22
(Austin, new in town n austin)
**VISITING** FEB.21st~26th Beautiful, Busty, Blonde. Reviewed & Recommended CC welcome Wanna PLAY?? - 30
ViSiTiNG & AvAiLaBle NoW! PreTTy ☆HoT ☆AnD ☆ TEmpTiNg ☆ BeAuTiFuL BrUnEtTe - 24
Wild & Freaky Lisa! ~*~ Best BBW Cougar on Backpage ~*~ Reviews & A BOOTY ~*~ $65 SPECIAL - 38
(Austin, North Austin 183/Burnet Road)
°°¤ WHo On BaCkPaGe DO WanT ... When *** DESirE *** HaS aLl ThAt YoU NeEd ¤°° Krazy Specials - 25
(North Austin incall only)
~♚♡ WHY GAMBLE ♚♡♚♡ WHEN I Am ♚♡♚♡ A SURE♚♡♚♡WIN♚♡♚♡ - -♥-» - 24
(Austin, South, South Austin incalls and outcalls)
👀 What's on the menu 👄Exotic tight pretty _ _ $$_ Exotic Belizean Love 2 kiss - 26
(Austin, In/183 35 north / out every where, South)
---------» DIANA wants to make your BIG ol' (B A N A N A) disapppear. (videol) - 21
(North Austin - Wells Branch)
White Girl hablo espanol!! No Need to brag, Actions are Louder then Words! Call Misti Now! - 22
(Austin, North Austin)
Start Your Summer Off With An Irish Red H/E/A/D/E/D Heat Wave - 28
(Austin, North Central Austin but I travel)
▲▼▲▼ *✗✘✗* ▲▼▲▼ 💋🔥💋 🍭SWEET as Sugar Cane 🔥 HOT like FirE! ⚡ SPECIALS!!!! 💋🔥💋 ▲▼▲▼ *✗✘✗* ▲▼▲▼ - 19
(35&Ben; white(OutCallAllOver), Austin)
¡** ~~~ SuP€R *¡* S€XX¥ *¡* & £OVL€¥ ~SP€¢¡A£$ ¡*¡ ~~O:-) (( Available NOW)) - 27
(Austin, SOUTH!!!!!!!!!!!! INCALL*))
HoT, PeTiTE, MILF! HoT, PeTiTE, MILF! HoT, PeTiTE, MILF! --Sensual, *ExPloSiVE*, Rubdowns-Up LATE:) - 31
------- **° *° SUPER *° *° SEXXY *° BEAUTY *LATINA * - 22 - 22
SuPeR FrEaK SPCL~44DDD-BuSty KiNkY & N@StY*OpEn-MinDeD PoRnSt@r-AuStiN IN-OuTs- SLIpPErY TiGhT FuN - 25
(Austin, AustIN AreA 35 NortH-IN-OUTS-290-7th st)
- 💕 ♥ ♥ STUNNING,🍒💥 FoXy🍒🍒💥 Attractive BLONDE🍒💥 ♥◆ OUTCALL ONLY - 28
(Austin, Austin and Surrounding Areas)
StEp INtO My PaRAdise ☂ 4 A ღ SpLaSh WiTh BeNtlEy ღ Come Play With My KiTtYKat - 21
still up!!! ▒ ★ EXTREMELY ADDiCTiVE ▒ ★ █ ▓★ 1OO% REAL.. - 24
(Austin, south incalls/outs all over)
🏁Stop Here🏁N Party Hard🤘🏼🍾 Wit a Slim🍷Thick Cutie W♨️ Fat 🍑SS😍😘🎊ACL Festival Specials‼️⚜🍻🎤🎉🎟Get urs Now - 25
(Atx, Austin, North)
STOP ✋ RiGHT ⚠️ THERΞ 🚨2 GiRL SPeCiAL⇉ FLaWLeSS BeAUTies ⇉👉1OO% REAL 🎯 Uŋƒoŗŗgєтαвℓє •• - 23
(Austin, ✌183 & SPiceWooD iN/OuTCaLLs 💋✌)
☆ xXx ☆ LEAVING TEXAS FOREVER! ♥ SquirtN~Cutie! ☆ xXx ☆ - 28
***SuPeR sPeCiAlS*** *(*(* Brunette Beauty *)*)* LIMITED TIME ONLY - 28
(Austin, South Austin/Ben White)
••► •¨¨*•-:SUNDAy FUNDAy WitH¦:**(¯` ARabeLla¸.•'´¯) tHE(¯`'•.GiiRL¸.•'´¯)NEXt DOOR* .☆❤️ - 21
(Austin, Downtown, Outcall only)
:*: *StUnNiNg :*: *BeAuTiFuL :*: *sO SExY :*: ChEcK mE OuT :*: *No DiSaPPOinTmENtS :*: - 23
(Austin, 35 / 290 ~ IN or OUT)