Sat 04 Jan
Great Prices......In Austin until ANOTHER DAY Sunday afternoon. Mature and Great Provider. - 49
(Austin, Ausin..south)
LaST DaY *{* NeW *}* {{ SeXxXy { * BLoNdE* } * {{ HoTTie }}*l { *CuRvY* } l LAsT DAy *}*l - 21
(north austin(ARBORETUM) in)
****new pics bbw juicy booty reviewed and verified provider short notice always ok - 38
(Austin, 183&manor; rd)
💋🌸🇹🇮🇬🇭🇹↯INsANE CuRvEs💹HazEl EyeS👀 🚧CAUTION 🚧BiG BoOty BabE (Outcalls Only) - 22
(Austin, Austin /outcalls)
Fri 03 Jan
New!! MiSTReSS Chloe ** SupeR HoT UpScaLe ULTiMate MiLF((Come & GeT IT!!)) **FeTiSh FRiendLy - 30
(Austin, 183 & 35 In/Out 100%Me or its free!!!)
*****LAST DAY!!.......TRINITY OF DFW!!! Well reviewed and highly recommended! - 29
(Austin, Austin, north)
Thu 02 Jan
Sweet & Seductive latina! Waiting for YOU! **NEW PICS** Call 4 SWEET SPECIALS - 24
(Austin, North/Central)