Mon 27 Jan
👅WAITING 4U⏰ 💋100hh Special💋Naughty Young JOSIE💄💣💎 - 21
(Austin, North, 《183》《Arboretum》《NorthWest》)
Special¤.° FrEaKy ÊLLØW BØÑ PrInCeSs °.¤ Special ♡ Call Now 405-637-7014 - 19
(Austin, INCALLS 290 & 35 OUTCALLS)
So ADoRABLE -:¦:- AMAZiNG SKiLLS -:¦:- $99 INcall SPECIAL ! I LOVE IT WILD ! - 19
(LAKELINE mall area)
Sexy Upscale Playmate Indulge Your Sins Tight 💦💦 Slippery and Sweet💓 Oooooo..... Soo Yummy Come Play - 23
(Austin, North, North Austin Mopac and Domain)
* ===== * SaShA Keola * ~ * INCALL * ===== * * ~ * SPECIALS *=====* * ~ *=====* SEE ME NOW!!! - 18
Samantha is in north central Austin, isnt that centrally located to you boys? - 45
(Austin, Central Austin incalls new location, North)
☆ ☆ S P E C I A L S ~ $65 ~ B I G BOOTY BBW ~ $65 ~ S P E C I A L S ☆ ☆ - 36
*¨¨* SATISFACTION *¨¨*IS*¨¨* MY *¨¨* BEST *¨¨* QUALITY! *¨¨* GUARANTEED - - 29
(surrounding area)
(San Antonio by Fiesta Texas/ CC's OK)
🌟New In Town 💯% REAL . The GirL you STAyEd Up looking 4! 💕 Waiting For You💋*Haley** - 19
(Austin, N.Austin 35/183)
NeW In ToWn -:¦:- UpScale LaDy -:¦:- So ADoRABLE -:¦:- AMAZiNG SKiLLS -:¦:- VeRY ADDiCTiVE - 21
❤ ❤•• N__O__T__ H__ I __ N__G __ ❤ C__ O__ M __ P __ A __ R __ E __S ❤•• ❤ - 25
Tue 21 Jan
★TIFFANY _ Petite and Always FUN. 5'4", S Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes★ - 21
(Austin, Austin and surrounding areas)
★ 🍑 The PERFECT TREAT 🍒 ★]*⋙«——»*⋘[★ 💠 ONE OF A KIND 💠 ★]*⋙«——»⋘*[★ ☎️ AVAILABLE ANYTIME ⏰ - 22
(183 Anderson Mill, Domain, Austin)
TAKE a PEEK - -Th!ck Booty Freak ☆ #1 Ebony Playmate ★ $100 SPECIALS - 21
(Austin, I-35/290 CENTRAL AUSTIN)
THe BeSt In BeAUtY, PaSSiOn, PeRSoNaLiTy, - cLaSS, - ChArM - & - TaLeNt!!!!!! - 20
(north austin and surroundin areas)
Specials Y_o_U_r __ S_e_X_i_e_s_T __ P_e_T_i_T_e __ *B_L_O_N_D_E* __IS_ H_e_R_e - 23
_▄ █ ☆_▄ █ ☆_▄ █ ☆*_▄ █ ★♥ƸӜƷ♥★ SEXY ░♥Tr¥ §Õm€Th!Ng N€w§• ♥WILD§•BRUNETTE §•NEW SEXySpecials_▄ █ ☆ - 24
(Austin, in/out calls 80/100/180)
**SeXii BrUnnEttE ViXXXen ** WiTh AmaZInG bOdY ** BeAuTiFuL FacE ** ReaL PiCs ** aVAiLBLE NOW** - 21
(RouND RoCK iNCaLLs OnLy)
ReVieWed!! ♥ WiLd & BuSty BRuNeTTe BaRBiE ToTaLLy WiLLiNg & REady 2 SaTiSfy YOuR EVEry URge - 23
(Austin, Austin In/Out)
REAl★HOTT & SEXii BruNeTte ♥▃♥ ★▬▬▬★ SExxY BOMBSHELL ♥▃♥CAtCh ME NOW ★▬▬▬★ - 21
(Austin, East Ben White Blvd, South)
-:¦:- RATED ASiAN -:¦:- KNOCKOUT -:¦:- Full Erotic Body Rubs -:¦:- - 22
(Austin, Northwest Austin)
Phat Azz Whooty Booty Blond$$100 Incall Today ONLY !! South Atx... - 25
(Austin, South ATX Incall- Oltorf & 35)
!!!!!!!! OMGNEWSFLASH NEWSFLASH! ATTN!! read ALL about IT! SEXi new GIRL! OMG shes so JuIcY! ♥ - 23
NEW ★ Unforgettable ASIAN GIRL ★ SEXY
(HIGHLAND MALL incalls-outcalls all over)
NEW***A M A Z I N G BRUNETTE Ready and WILLING to Please you!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! - 22
(Incall North/ Outcall all-over)
💎💦🍑NeW 📸 PictureS 📸🍑💦💎 BonitA 🇦🇷ArgentinA🇦🇷 AnessA💜 💦💦MuY CalientE🔥 🎰VegaS MamI♠️WEDNESDAY 🍑 💜SpecialS💜 - 22
(Austin, North, 💗NORTH AUSTIN/ IncalL ONLY💚)
💞👜NEW IN TOWN🍒🍑aℳaZinG 100% SpEcials💋💗✨💎👑яєα∂у т♡👄ρℓєαѕє у♡u 👅💜H℮R℮ ➋ βℓΟω γΟυr Μιηd💝🌹 - 21
(Arboretum, Austin, OutCalls Allday)
New In TowN ! Sweetest Young Thing Around | Ask For Ivy| 100 qck special - 21
🇦🇻🇦🇮🇱 🇦🇧🇱🇪..🇳🇴🇼🌉🌉🌉NeW👍 SexY E✖ΘTiC🌟EbnY🌟 ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ Οη℮ Οf A ΚιηD😘H℮R℮➋βℓΟω γΟuR MinD - 22
(Austin, Austin /outs anywhere)
L😘😚K⏩ NEW PICS of a REAL Upscale Hottie Ready to get NAUGHTY!!!! - 25
(Austin, Arboretum upscale Austin)
M_A_D_E __ o★o° _ F_O_R_ °o★o° _Y_O_U_R_ °o★o° _P_L_E_A _ S_U_R_E - 22
(Austin, North Austin 60 *Specials* Sexy Ebony)