Mon 27 Jan
* ===== * SaShA Keola * ~ * INCALL * ===== * * ~ * SPECIALS *=====* * ~ *=====* SEE ME NOW!!! - 18
NEW *In town Sexy Redhead Playmate and Hot Blonde Girlfriend have one or have two.... - 21
(North Austin 35)
HOT♥Sexy & Sweet★like CANDY♥ COME GET SOME!!!! New Pictures 100% REAL - 20
(Austin, Austin Out calls)
Sun 26 Jan
Tue 21 Jan
Thirsty Thursday SPECIALS❣ DOUBLE Ds 🍈🍈 JUICY Booty 🍑 SLIM Waist ⏳ Mature BLONDE Curvy Cutie 🌸 - 23
(Austin, North, Outcalls)
STeP out In The Rain Walk In To SuNshine Un Matched Beauty BARBIE BLOND VIXEN - 22
(290 N_AuStin, Austin)
Sexy Serenity REAL»» INDEPENDENT. Always satisfying..Naughty, New, Sweet, and discreet! - 23
**SeXii BrUnnEttE ViXXXen ** WiTh AmaZInG bOdY ** BeAuTiFuL FacE ** ReaL PiCs ** aVAiLBLE NOW** - 21
(RouND RoCK iNCaLLs OnLy)
::S I M P L Y :¦:-:*"*::A M A Z I N G :¦:- GURANTEED!!! CaLl NoW!!! SEXY & SENSUAL !! - 22
❤ REAL Pic▬▬▬AMAZING NEW❤❤ ▃❤▬▬▬▃ HOT ASIAN BABY ▃❤▃▬▬▬▬▃❤▃▬▬▬I&▬ OUTCAL - 23
(Arboretum, Austin, North, Round Rock)
Perfectly Petite, Filipina-Mixed Hottie - Discreet Outcalls for the Naughty Gent:) Up ALL NiGhT! - 24
▒ ♛• ° • NEW• ° • SEDUCTiVE• ° • CALi• ° • PRiNCESS• ° • ♛ ▒ - 19
(Austin, north austin // outcalls)
Nuru__ Japanese Massage ____best in quality & service >- AVAILABLE NOW SPECIAL$ - 80
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, KILLEEN)
🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀 🍀New Pics🍀🍀Experience The Magic🍀🍀🍀🍀Or Get Punished With A🍀🍀🍀🍀Gorgeous Hindu Goddess🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀 - 24
(Austin, Austin And Surrounding Areas, Downtown)
LOOK === ((AVAiLABLE)) NOW ((ANYTiME)) $80 SPECIALS ALL NITE ◄=== LOOK *********** - 21
(Highland Mall Area / Central Austin)
Julie Rhodes in DFW today and Tomorrow. Come Enjoy a Naughty Nasty but Classy Bombshell!! - 18
(NW Arboretum area)
*GLIDE INSiDE diana . - Come see her MAGIC TRICK.. she's gonna SWALLOW your STICK. - 21
(620 West/Anderson Mill - TRAVIS COUNTY)
???? Y settle 4 CHOP STEAK WEN U CUD HAV - FILET MINGON?? HOT ebony/dominican booty - 23
(central incall)
(xXX) $50 LeAvInG aUsTiN!!! UNRUSHED 5 sTaR sErViCe $50 SPECIAL $50 ((busty hottie)) - 20
(central austin)
VIP SPECIALS! 💎 Caramel Beauty 💎Tight & Juicy GrAdE A+ Service & Very Discreet ⭐⭐AVAILABLE NOW ! - 20
(Austin, 290 & 35)
☆ V.S.O.P ☆ Very °*° SEXY°*° _ °*° OVER°*° _ °*° PASSI O NATE °*° - - 21
*VISITING* {{Do}} ★ You {{Have}} ☆ Some {{Time}} ★ To {{Play}} ☆ Today?? - 21
(call for location....)
TRINITY OF DFW!!! ***** Well reviewed and highly recommended!***** - 29
(arboretum/domain, Austin, North)
Tue 07 Jan
Mon 06 Jan
Late Night Needs ??? Memori @ 512-662-4322 **cLASSY n sWEET** Super Soaker ** - 21
(*** Upscale Incall ***)
Sun 05 Jan
Sat 04 Jan
•••► LeT ME ★BE YouR ★FAnTaSY ▀▄▀▄▀ ««I DO IT--THE BEST»» • SPECIALS!!! - 25
(Austin, & Surrounding/ IH-35)
Lactating with FIRST PREGNANCY + never had a baby before now GFE + breast size DDD - 26
(north Austin)
Fri 03 Jan
Thu 02 Jan